Friday, March 10, 2006


I haven't even thought about PostcardX in a while, but yesterday I received a nice pc from someone who saw my name on there. It's always such a pick-me-up to get fun mail. So this morning I returned the favor by randomly picking a name. This pc is going to Kat in Hawaii.

I didn't know what I was going to do ahead of time. I wanted to play with those new Daniel Smith paints and mixed the colors on the paper. This paper is super aborbent though, so I didn't get quite the effect I was going for. Then I decided to draw over the color and used one of my favorite elephant statues in my artroom as a reference. I drew with my usual Sakura micron .005, but again, the paper wasn't very cooperative.


Blogger Zhenia said...

I love how you can forget about PostcardX and then receive something wonderful out of the blue.

I find that the micron pens don't do so well on watercolour paper but Pitt artist pens do. They're not as fine, though.

It's nice to see your artwork again!

2:13 PM  

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